Sitemap - 2019 - Startup Istanbul Blog

Avoid Losing Everything When Starting Up

Invest in a Digital Economy Start-up

Keynote Speaker: Dan Toma

New Things Renew the Old Passion

Economic Growth through Entrepreneurship

The Differences Between the Ecosystems Around the World.

Company Building

5 Hacks to Retain Customers for your New Start-up

Startup Success Story 3

Don’t be Afraid of Failure

Selecting the Funding Company

What is the Cryptocurrency World About?

Fundraising- How to Run a Tight Early Stage Fundraising Process

Can A Big Company Become A start-up?

Udemy's Journey

The Gazelles of Turkey

The Next Wave Of Investment Opportunities

What Makes Wayra Better?

HubSpot’s Playbook for Going from Startup to Scale-up

Expert Advice That Any Investor Must Know Before Venturing Into Real Estate

Getting Your Pitch Right 2

Atomico in Turkey Soon?

Investors' View

How to Launch your Brand and Network

6 tips To Inform Better Investment Decisions For Anticipatory Computing

Christopher Rogers: A Model Entrepreneur

Prioritized Development

Startup Investors’ Narrative.

What do Investors Want?

Reasons for and Benefits of Social Entrepreneurship

Invest in a Digital Economy Startup

Question and Answer Session with Magdelena Yesil

Schools to Teach What we Lack in Normal Schools

The Triforce of Value

How Important is Persuasion?

Looking at a More Global View of What Others are Doing for Startups

5 Brilliant Strategies on How to Break The Ice as a New Start-up Founder

Fireside Chat With Emre Guzer

Why MBA does not Give You a Free Pass to be an Entrepreneur

Building a Startup Company

Work as a Team to Execute the Exit Plan.

Leveraging Lean for Your Startup

The Smart Way To Invest That Cheque To A start-up

What The Y Combinator Does Differently

Healthcare Technological Development is Our Doom as Entrepreneurs

Business Support Through Government

What makes Draper University 'special'?

A Few More Lessons to Carry to Your Pitch Stage

3 Factors That Must be Incorporated in an Accelerator Program

Tespack’s Startup Success Story 2

How to Do Data-based Products

Your Pitching Move

Angel Investment: What to do Before Building Your own Brand

Caution When Raising Capital for Your Startup

User Guide For First Time Investors Eyeing Blockchain Technology

How to go Global

The Emergence of Bitcoin and Blockchain

Leaving a Successful Career for a Startup

Be a Part of the Discussion When Engaging with Venture Capital

What Investors Look Out For

Pitch Perfect

Business Technology’s Revolution.

How much did Business Change?

Culture Club: Realities and risks of managing start-up culture

The Role of Policy and Strategy in Entrepreneurial Ecosystem

4 Realities That contribute To Global Fluidity Of Businesses Today

Digital DNA 2

Dear Wantrepreneurs

Experience and Make Your Startup Decision

How you can learn from your failures

A Startup Is a Lost Cat Trying to Find its Way Home

How The Digital Disruption Will Ease The Process Of Conducting International Business

What Investors Look Out For 2

What Are The Chances?

You Are The Future to a Better Ecosystem

The Transformation Caused by the Emergence of the Internet.

The First Step to Making it as a Startup

The Impact of Social Mobile On Marketing

How to Know if Your Product is Needed?

How to Use Experiments to Scale

Varying Faces Of Entrepreneurship Across The Globe

Securing Venture Capital With Dealroom 2

Atomico And Beyond

Interface in Innovation and Wireless Carriers

How to Make Your Pitch Better?

Investment at Earlier Stages

How to Migrate Your Business From an Analogue to a Digital Framework

Defining Your Startup 2

How to get in front of A-listers

Investors’ Review on Startups

The use of Backlinks in SEO

Three Things That Hold Back the Industry

Exponential Growth Will Be Felt If Start-up Founders Think local

When is a Startup Ready for a Business Angel?

Entrepreneurship Taxonomy, Which to Invest in?

Believe in your Beginning

When to Start Looking for Investment?

The Ecosystem of Economies

How to Win an Investment Fight That You Never Saw Coming

Startup Tips from Derek Andersen

Go on and Experiment

Understanding The Entrepreneurship Concept

The Six Core Principles of Influence.

How Microsoft Has Been Partnering Across the Industry

Emerging Markets Need to Learn From Japan’s Digital Uptake

Entrepreneurs are Superheroes

Touch Perfection And Be A Master

Business Success Backgrounds

Why Did Business Change?

Fighting The Fear of Pitching

7 Simple Pitching Hacks That Every Start-up Founder Must Know

2 Things A Startup Should do to Compete With Large Companies

BlaBlaCar’s Compass

Can history Revive Entrepreneurship?

To Be an Entrepreneur, You Must Be Able to Create

Finding The Right Product for The Market

Is There A Universal Format For Pitching?

Practical Hints to Keep Your Ecommerce Startup Alive

Day One

Positioning Yourself To Create A Startup Company

Venture Capitalists or Initial Coin Offerings?

The Entrepreneurial Mindset

4 Effective Publicity Steps That Every Startup Should Know About

How Startups Can Work With Big Companies

The Superpower of The Internet in The Hands of Entrepreneurs

Believe in Your Kickoff

How the Banking System is Influenced by the Progress of the FinTech Industry.

What to Test and How to Use Experiments to Scale

These 5 Reasons Prove That The Entrepreneurship Journey is Not a Walk in The Park

Asra Nadeem: Making Impact in The Startup Ecosystem

Elimination of Reducing Markets

What are B2B Companies, and How do They Function?

A Startup Is a Lost Cat Trying to Find its Way Home and Here Is Why

How The Digital Era Is Changing The Future Of Doing Business

Overcoming Challenges On The Couchsurfing Journey

E-Residency and Its Future

Be Audible For Business Support

What Kind of Investors to Select Depending on Your Exit Plan?

How To Revive Your Startup After It Crumbles Down

The Growth Of The Tech Ecosystem

First Step towards Entrepreneurship

Building Companies

Can You Really Build A Great Tech Firm Outside Silicon Valley?

Startups Vs Scaleups

Take Care of The Center of Your Business

The Biggest Threat to Business Greatness is Being Moderately Successful

The Startup Istanbul Experience

Penetrating The Global Market

How Can You Be a Winner at Startup Istanbul?

The Company’s Culture

One Obstacle To Achieving True Greatness As An Entrepreneur

Thinking Global for your Startup

The different use of the FinTech industry in the world.

BlaBlaCar’s Financing Trend

How To Better Customer Experience Through Digital Platforms

The Role of The Government in Your Startup

Decisions In Raising Startup Funds

How Did ‘Drive Gum’ Start?

A Growing Market

How To Raise Funds

Growing An Ed-Tech Startup In An Unfavorable Ecosystem

Nordic Startup Growth

What Part of Your Team Should You Talk About the Most?

How Anticipatory Computing Works

Securing Venture Capital With Dealroom

Create Work Within Yourself.

The Effect of Social Media on SEO

The Frightening Gamble Table

The Digital Media Industry

Startup Here and Startup Now

Startup Myths and Tips

How Does The New Way of Business Work?

Microsoft Heading The Open Source Direction

Digital DNA

The Importance of Having A Circle of Advocates

Why Trading Is Meaningless Without A Digital Identity

What Businesses Are Angels Searching For?

Who Should Accelerators Invest More in?

How Mobile Phones and Networks Changed The Way Societies Work

Rules of Success

5 Ways The Government Can Nurture Entrepreneurial Ideas

Startup Grind

Entrepreneurial Works

The Importance of Mindset When It Comes to Business.

The Black Box 2012-2014: Iran

Start-ups Will Always Win When Run By A Diverse Team

Corporate Venture Capital

The Emerging Market

Managing Your Team The Right Way

Two Reasons People Think That Big Corporates Do Not Innovate?

When Investors Invest in Ideas and Not People

3 Decades In Silicon Valley

Creating A Startup

e-Residency for Global Entrepreneurs

Why Open Source?

A Peek Into an Investor's Mind

A Peek Into an Investor's Mind

Adora Cheung's Startup Journey

Adora Cheung's Startup Journey

Entrepreneurship And Social Growth.

The FIRST Framework

The Radical Entrepreneur

How to sell just fine?

Maximizing Accelerator Programs

It’s The Right Time To Startup

Evolve Back Into Entrepreneurship.

Angel Investing Networks

Why Did The Founders Do It?

The Not So Glorified Side Of Startups That You Need To Embrace

Lessons Learned From My Startup

Pitching Your Startup

Why WiseGuys Focuses on B2B

Things To Consider Before Scaling Your Business

The Science of Marketing

Why It's Harder To Keep A Stable Relationship With Investors After The First Round Of Funding

Why It's Harder To Keep A Stable Relationship With Investors After The First Round Of Funding

Tespack's Startup Success Story

Tespack's Startup Success Story

Good Startups Have The Basics, Great Ones Have Confidence

WAYRA Accelerator

Scaling Your Product

Ascending From Rebels to the Cloud: Estonia

4 Interesting Trends That Are Taking Over The Real Estate Business

Getting Your Pitch Right

How To Recoil From Emerging Markets

How Networking Can Change Your Life

Your Tweets Are Leading Campaigns

Techniques That Will Help You Product Stand Out

Turkey's Bright Potential for Businesses

Better Customer Service for Businesses

Raising Venture Capital in Silicon Valley


Be Your Own Self, Be Original

What Determines Success in Entrepreneurship?

Scale-Up Entrepreneurship

Are ICOs affecting Venture Capitalists?

Estonia E-Residency: How To Become A Citizen

Startup Advice

Anticipatory Computing

Government Support For Entrepreneurs

3 Thoughts to Unleash Your Inner Hero

Securing Venture Capital, The Right Way

Defining The Most Important Part of Your Business

These Have to Be Learned For Growth

Lean Startup

The Missing Parts From The Startup Engine

Startup Story: Scaale

5 Reasons Why Turkish People Should become Entrepreneurs

Prudle Labs

Best Practices for Angel Investors

Building Startups For The Global Scene

The Right Time to Engage

The Digital Era

The Journey of Udemy

How WRAPP was created

A Powerful Pitch

Turkish Market’s Secret Sauce

How The Digital Disruption Will Ease The Process Of Conducting International Business.

Digital Growth Of Enterprises

What You Need to Get Your Pitch Right

Digital DNA And Archetypes

How to Validate Your Business Hypothesis Using AdWords.

Blackbox Venture Capital

BlaBlaCar’s Green Hands

5 Types Of Software Applications That Are Redefining Businesses

Intersection In Wireless Innovation

Entrepreneurs Are The Super Heroes of The World

Angel Investing & Venture Capital

Why B2B?

Minimum Viable Product

A Business Version of a Fairy tale

Deciding On A Startup To Invest In

Good, Fast or Cheap – Pick Two

35 years of Startup experience in 20 minutes

Stefano Dánna – The School Of Life

The Journey of after joining Silicon Valley

Psychology and Pitching

Open-Source Strategy’s Pillars

When the Deals Start Coming That's A Clear Sign To Get A Financial Advisor

Determiners in Raising Startup Funds.

Important Tips for Startups

Winners of Startup Turkey Challenge 2019 Announced

100 Entrepreneurs From 65 Countries Came together on Startup Turkey

A Different Way To See Twitter Data

The Role of Money in The Validation of Your Idea.

Scaling and Getting Ahead

Evolution Tools

Adopting E-Business for Better Customer Experience

Bootstrapping and Venture Capital Funding To Alter Growth

Startup Estonia & Startup Turkey 2019.

Five Reasons Why People Invest In Ideas

Adapting To Technology’s Revolution As A Startup

Defining Your Startup

The Effect of Blockchain and Cryptocurrency on the FinTech industry.

Making Sure You Don’t Get Pushed Out of The Market.

Entrepreneurs Do Not Abort or Avoid Changes, They Pivot

4 Effective Steps in Public Relations

The Evolution of The Ecosystem

Startup Grind Journey

How Banks Emerged Historically

Minimum Viable Data

4 Realities That Contribute To Fluidity of Businesses Today

The Triforce Value

The Future of Venture Capital

How Important Is An A-Team To Your Company?

What To Consider Before Starting A Business

How To Spring From Emerging Markets

The Unexpected Couchsurfing Story

Experiencing Startup Istanbul 2018

Super Lean MVP

How To Prepare For An Exit

6 Ways That Governments Can Unleash Entrepreneurial Potential

When Emerging Markets Lead The Way

Being A Leader In Uncertainty

Keeping Your Startup DNA When You Grow Your Business

How to Master Your Pitch Psychologically

How Much Has Business changed?

4 Determinants in Startup Success for Every Investor

Growing Globally

Wireless Carriers and Their Need For Innovation

History of Silicon Valley

10 Steps To Scaling Your Product

What Turkey Needs to Evolve

The Joint Polish Investment fund (JPIF) Invests €500k - €1.5m in Polish Early-stage Digital Health products

The Joint Polish Investment fund (JPIF) Invests €500k - €1.5m in Polish Early-stage Digital Health products

Getting Your Startup Team Right

The Nordic Tech Story

The Y Combinator

Long Term Strategy For Startups

How to Scale Your Business

Why Would You Want to Invest?

How To Avoid Dying Away as an Emerging Startup

Startup Mythbusters

A Healthy Startup Inspired by an Unhealthy Problem

Keys To Effective Networking

Why Entrepreneurs Tend To Choose Silicon Valley

MAIRDUMONT, supporting European and Chinese Travel Sector Startups

Some Companies Just Need To Focus On Customer Experiences More

P101 invests €1M - €10M in early-stage innovative digital technology businesses

Going Global As A Startup

Emerald Technology Ventures Has No Geographical Restrictions When Investing in Businesses

Know Your Business

KISP Ventures a Bahrain-based accelerator’s investment is between $250K and $1 million

Algebra Ventures is Investing $50M in Early-stage Tech Startups in Egypt and MENA

The Age of Super-humans or Super-intellectualized Software?

One Practical Reason to Keep Going as a Startup

Why Big Companies Need to Act Like Startups

Achieving Economic Growth Through Supporting Entrepreneurship

Istanbul Technical University (ITU)

Things to Consider Before Becoming an Angel Investor.

What Innovation is for Large Enterprises

Limiting Factors for Startups in the Ecosystem

Kaspar Korjus presenting e-Estonia: Estonia’s gift to the world.

How Do I Ask Money From An Investor?

VentureSouq Offers Funding of $100,000-$4m for Startups in the US and MENA

Meet Hikma Ventures, an investor in digital health startups

Getting It Right With The Government as a Startup

VNT management funds focus on clean technology

Ventech, Investing in the Next Generation of Tech Unicorns in Europe

The First Step, is Starting Your Business

This Is Why investing In Blockchain Technology Should Be on Top of Your List

Kaspar Korjus presenting e-Estonia: Q&A with Mr. Korjus

Aws Founders Fund, a strong support for Austrian startups

iEurope Capital focus on investing into companies in the Late Seed or Early Series A stages

This is How Successful Investors Do Content Marketing

Redalpine is Funding Early-stage Tech Startups with €300K-10M

A Startup’s Guide to Using Data The Right Way

HIMangel, the leading early stage fund in Egypt

The E-World Takeover

Wamda Capital invests between $1m-$5m in MENA region

Mainport Innovation Fund, An Early Stage Capital Fund from the Netherlands

Speed@BDD a Lebanon-based startup accelerator invest $30,000 to startups

How Startups and Governments Can Work Together

Why Customers Decide to Buy

What a Venture Capitalist thinks?

Kaspar Korjus presenting e-Estonia: E-residency, a new borderless nation

Cedar Mundi : Building Lebanon’s Technology Hub

Propeller is accelerating MENA Startups

firstminute Capital, Successful Entrepreneurs Helping the Next Generation

Industrifonden, leading venture capital firm in Sweden

btov Partners is a European venture capital firm, managing about € 420m

Oxford Capital is searching for ambitious teams