Wait or Make: The art of creating opportunities
Opportunity is considered to be the right time or set of circumstances which make it possible something to be done, created or achieved. Some people call it luck, others called it chance but, when we talk about entrepreneurship, I like to think of opportunities as favorable situations for accomplishment of milestones and good position for achieving success.
Well, if you wait this special time to come to turn your ideas into product and company, I have some bad news for you. As much as you wait, that much you might be missing your thunder. Waiting for opportunities to appear if you already have an idea and created plan, can be such a waste of time in entrepreneurship. There never is going to be perfect time when all chances will be on your side and your business will be driven by luck. If you expect to succeed by relying on your luck, better try to think of different vocation.
There is no luck in entrepreneurship. There is hard work and preparation which can help you to achieve success. In business, as in life, “If” and “But” can’t be used as an excuse. Opportunities must be created by entrepreneurs. They must build roads and find new paths by themselves. This is the true way of innovation – not to follow, but to lead and create.
So, if entrepreneurs are really strong leaders with great vision, why do they need to wait for miraculous luck to come across their way to achieve their goals? If we are lucky, our product will turn out perfect. Wrong! If we work hard enough to build a strong product, then we will succeed.
If we are lucky, our startup will get funding. Wrong! If you believe enough in your startup and manage to make others believe in it too, then you will get funding.
If we are lucky, we will find good employees. Wrong! If you know what you really look for in a startup employee and how to make them fascinated by your business vision, then you will hire and manage to keep determined, skilled and passionate employees.
If we are lucky, our customers will keep coming back. Wrong! If you give them what they need and expect and deliver high quality service, then they will keep coming back.
Think how many times since you’ve started your entrepreneurial venture you have thought that you’ve missed your chance. Now think why it happened and most importantly is it really true. Do you really believe that chance comes just once? Chance doesn’t come once. You don’t have only one opportunity. You have as many opportunities as you manage to create for yourself.
Preparation and opportunity
Some people say that chances come only to people who are ready to take them. So better start preparing yourself. Preparation is everything. Even if such a thing as luck exists, if you are not prepared when it comes your way then you are just waiting for nothing.
Search and opportunity
There is a saying that says: “ If your ship doesn’t come to you, you swim to it.” Entrepreneurship is all about creating, breaking rules and make new ones. Take what you have and search for the ways to make it what you want it to be. Do the research which can help you create your opportunity – learn about your market, your customers, even about your competition. There is always something new that can be done.
Initiative and opportunity
Waiting has never been a good idea in business. Where there is no door, you should try to build one. Without action, there is no reaction. Take your startup in your own hands and take the initiative. Your success is defined by your own actions, not by the things you say that you will do.
Others and opportunity
When two brilliant minds meet they instinctively think of ways to create something together. This is the nature of the human being. We tend to see the opportunities in front of us when we are in the right company. So, why to wait to accidentally meet great people, mentors, other entrepreneurs and investors, when we can actually connect with them? It has never been easier to do so. Entrepreneurs should create their opportunities by networking and establishing business relationships.