Three Signs That You Are Chronic Procrastinator
Procrastination is one the biggest challenges that busy entrepreneurs face during their overwhelmed by work days. The swamped schedules and time limitation often are the reasons for demotivation and unwillingness to start and complete specific tasks, especially the boring ones.
Entrepreneurs must focus on effectiveness and good time-management in order to avoid procrastination. There are specific things that you can do so your time will be well-organized and your work will bring better value to your business. But before you solve a problem, you should accept that you have one. Do you think that you are chronic procrastinator? Look for these three signs to find out if you have problem with procrastination, which can be fatal for the future of your startup.
You constantly fail to meet deadlines
It happens to everyone to miss a deadline or to be late for specific meeting. There is nothing wrong about it, especially when the reasons for your lateness were out of your hand. But if you are constantly struggling to meet deadlines, if you are always the reason why your team projects are delayed, if you often are late (or even miss) important meetings, you should accept the problem, take a responsibility and try to change the way you work.
You fail to prioritize
If you tend to concentrate on less important tasks and avoid and delay the work on the most important parts of your schedule, you are definitely going to have a difficult time with completing everything on your to-do list and most likely you will fail to achieve your goals.
You fail to plan
Chronic procrastinators always struggle with their schedules. Not only they fail to meet the deadlines, but they fail even to plan their work. Constant procrastinators cannot set clear goals, can’t create effective action plans and more often fail to complete their tasks.
If you think that you have a problem with procrastination, you should try to solve it in order to improve your work life and to secure the success of your company. Here you can find some useful tips that will help you avoid procrastination.