There aren't many customers in emerging markets, most of them don't pay. This is not really true anymore. Used to be that at least for me I used to get a lot of feedback about investing around the world. Why you investing around the world? There's no customers most of the customers are in the US in Europe or in maybe China but that's not really true any more.
There are huge audiences in emerging markets. Mobile phones and smartphones now are growing like crazy. China and India are going to be very large markets but really other markets that even have fifty to a hundred million customers are also large. There's increasing internet penetration. Increasing and rising GDP improvements and payments and logistics as mentioned before local markets you can bridge the regional markets hopefully to global markets.
Really the markets are getting bigger both local markets and access to the global markets and most of those customers now have some method of payment or at least they will in the next three to five years although this is a historical problem it's not very much of a problem going forward.]]>