The Entrepreneur's Oath
Entrepreneurs need a framework to fallback on when doubts about their startups set in. When things are simply not working as excepted how about reciting this entrepreneurship oath as a guideline to the right course of action. Sometimes it could just be a comforting tool on why you deserve that entrepreneurs' badge.Here it goes...
I am an entrepreneur
I keep my word
I am a troublemaker
problem seeker
A solution creator
I don't ask for permission
I get things done
I apologize when I make mistakes
But I am not Afraid
To make more and better the mistakes
I may become rich and famous
But I promise I will always remember
That the journey is the reward itself
I will never walk this journey alone
I will continue being demanding as long I live
But I was never built anything that nobody wants
I will always put customers first
I will fail and fail again until I succeed
Judge me I don't care
and I will keep my word
so say we all!
Credit to @AmalDokhan who got unsuspecting startup founders to recite this at Startup Istanbul on 5th October 2015.