Startups around the world is Sunday column series created with the ambition to unite the entrepreneurial community around the world by introducing to the audience different startups on weekly basis. The purpose of this column is to improve our knowledge of what is being created by entrepreneurs around the world, to expand our network, to get informed and hopefully inspired.
Showroomist provides brand content to publishers, editors, press members, bloggers. is an online platform where brands can publish their content (high quality images, lookbooks, product information, press releases, news and more) in a searchable and categorized manner for press, editors, and bloggers.
Beyond dating app and its purpose is to initiate a good date with a person you met online by combining complex artificial intelligent techniques with astrological wisdom.
Bijou is an interactive mobile platform where part-time job seekers and employers match each other! Bijou matches the job seekers to jobs and employers to candidates that they can select by only swiping the screen.
Expect more startup presentations next Sunday. If you wish to see specific company that you are fascinated by on our list or simply you want to introduce your own startup to the world, do not hesitate to post your suggestion in the comment section.