Sunday International Column: Startups around the world #56
Startups around the world is Sunday column series created with the ambition to unite the entrepreneurial community around the world by introducing to the audience different startups on weekly basis. The purpose of this column is to improve our knowledge of what is being created by entrepreneurs around the world, to expand our network, to get informed and hopefully inspired.
The Bulgarian startup Jumpido is aiming to deliver exceptional educational experiences to students across the world by turning math learning into one interesting and fun experience for children.
This Finnish startup is created with the ambition to re-invent online advertising, aiming to solve the industry's major issues, related with the viewability and relevancy of ads.
The Dutch startup Treatwell is the biggest online booking site for health, beauty, and wellness treatments, offering to their customers in the Netherlands, Germany and Belgium the chance to choose the services of over 2000 salons.
Expect more startup presentations next Sunday. If you wish to see specific company that you are fascinated by on our list or simply you want to introduce your own startup to the world, do not hesitate to post your suggestion in the comment section.