Dr. Deniz Tunçalp from İTÜ ARI Teknokent accepted to give his point of view about the event and the Turkish market in a special interview. He also gave some valuable advice to startups. Here are his answers.
Startup Turkey is an important and valuable event for our ecosystem as all the major players are here together to mingle and not only the ones from Turkey but from all around the world. It’s a meeting point for the ecosystem where you can update your relationships and learn.
There are a lot of nice startups from the region which is good to benchmark turkish startups to the ones from other countries and see what are the current flourishing subjects.
Turkey has a very good BtoB market and a very big BtoC market so it is an opportunity for the startups to get access to a lot of people from just a couple of cities. If you’re doing something in manufacturing, Turkey is a good market but for things like content and gaming it is more developed in the Arab region.
His advice to Startups:
Staying close to customers is important to bootstrap your startup and get real customer money. Then for growth stage approach potential investors as customers so you can try to understand them and develop your business model and investor approach.
If you take it seriously and align yourself to the perspective of the investor then you will find investment.