This piece is derived from David S. Rose speech at this TED Talk. David Rose a serial entrepreneur turned serial investor is also the CEO of Gust.
You've got to have vision. You've got to be able to see where this is going. I don't want another "me too" product. I want somebody who knows, who can change the world out there.
But on top of that, I also need realism. Because I need to know that you know that while changing the world is great, it doesn't always happen. And before you get to change the world, bad things are going to take place. And you've got to be able to deal with that. And you have to have rational projections and stuff.
And then finally, you're asking for my money, not just because it's my money, but because it's me. You need to be coachable. So I need to know that you have the ability to listen. We've had a lot of experience. People who are VCs or angels investing in you have had experience and they'd like to knowthat you want to hear that experience.
Startup Turkey also hosted David S. Rose and below is his talk at the conference