Hurturk Bros. founders of Octeth
Last week our guest were two founder brothers of Their main business is email marketing software oempro. They additionally serve hosted solution of oempro called has been recently launched, software was developed by them. Moreover, have 30.000 subscribers which organizes ideas and enables them to share with your friends. Mert and Cem Hürtürk brothers started their firm 9 years ago. Mert is 26, Cem is 29 years old. They both call themselves lazy students. Mert still continues university education in Bilgi Uni. Cem graduated from Computer engineering department of Kultur Uni. There are 5 people working in their firm, 3 in office 2 outsourced US and India. They have 15.000 cutomers who have already bouht oempro and 10.000 customers using sendloop.
This week we recorded etohum meeting in which will be published under We had short interviews with participants about Turkish internet sector. These videos will be ready next week. Hopefully we will announce our next guest speaker today or early tommorrow. Meeting will be probably in Profilo Shopping Center in Schiller Cafe at 17:30 - 19:30 Thursday on 14th August.
Octeth Founders Mert & Cem Hürtürk brothers