Looking to get your business off the ground and soaring quickly with investments? Not sure how to do it? Here are my top five tips on how to pitch and get funded.
Engage your audience.
Nobody wants to be bored during a pitch. You need to show real enthusiasm about what you want to do. Passion means hard work – and hard work shows your investors that you will make it work.
Outline your marketing plan.
Marketing can be most of the battle when it comes to success. How viable is your market strategy on the budget you set? Without marketing, your business cannot flourish.
Who are your rivals? More importantly, why are you better?
Investors will have heard the same pitches over and over again about how a new business will be the best thing since sliced bread, but have no realistic information to back it up. Why will your business succeed over others? If you can’t answer that question, your investors won’t be able to answer it either.
Be clear.
If the information you’re pitching is unclear, you run the risk of confusing and losing investors. If you can’t be clear when explaining with passion, investors will wonder if you will be clear in other areas.
Be realistic and accurate.
Don’t forget – while it may seem like a good idea to reveal the numbers as you want them to be, you must be realistic in your figures and explanations. Investors will know if you’re inflating any figures.
By being realistic, passionate and hardworking, you can use these tips to succeed every time.