This piece is derived from Mike Butcher's talk at Startup Turkey 2015
The point here is what’s news? See what I want you to think about is not what PR is, what press releases are. What news? because if you're trying to talk to the media, the media is interested in news. Something that's new obviously.
They are interested in the story. So stories are what makes news, not just the fact that you exist. So the question is do you stand out? Are you a purple cow? Now you don't really see purple cows very often. News is that you’ve got to stand out. You don't see purple cows very often so try and be a purple cow. Try and be different. There is a lot of companies out there all doing very relatively similar things so try and stand out. We've got to remember that journalists are interested in making their titles and their own careers successful so it’s your work to appeal to the title. When you talk to a journalist then they're going to be very happy if you're going to tell that title story which they wouldn't necessarily get. If their reader is going to find it fascinating then fantastic. ]]>