How to Beat the Monday Blues and Jump Start Your Work Week
For most of the people Mondays can be tough. So, how can you beat those awful Monday blues and start your week with a better attitude, with more energy and motivation? Here you can find five ways that will help you beat the Monday blues and will allow you to jump start your work week.
Wake up early. Every Monday try to wake up a little earlier than usual and spend some time to boost your energy level: take a power walk or enjoy some morning yoga, take refreshing cold shower, have a healthy breakfast or simply spend some time to enjoy your morning coffee at home. Start your week by treating yourself right and you will most likely feel more energised and enthusiastic for the start of the week.
Start your work week with something that you enjoy. We all have this one thing that excites us the most about our jobs. Make sure that you start your week with this awesome thing to help you remember how important and exciting your startup venture actually is. Start your Monday by reminding yourself why you are pursuing your startup dream and concentrate on your core business values and purpose.
Don’t overload yourself with work. We know that as an entrepreneur you have so much going on and after the weekend it seems that your schedule is simply swamped with tasks. But try to keep it slow on Monday in order to save your energy levels and to avoid early burnout.
Boost your creativity. Every Monday try to actively connect with your employees. Keep the spirits up by having creative start of the week by scheduling your brainstorm meetings on Monday. Boost your creativity and the creativity of your team members and turn every Monday into a productive, creative and inspiring day.
Get excited about the whole week. Many people prefer to plan their week schedules on Sunday, but if you like to keep the Sundays to yourself, it will be great way to start the week by making your week plans on Monday. You will most likely get excited about all the great things that you are to do and achieve during the week, that you will feel more inspired and motivated to start.