Five Tools That Will Help You Avoid Distractions
It is very difficult to stay focused, especially when there are so many distractions around you. But, in order to complete all of your tasks and still be able to spend time for creating innovative ideas and concentrate on their implementation, it is essential that you find the way to overcome these annoying “attention-stealers” around you. Here you can find five awesome tools that will help you to ignore all distractions around you and will make it easier for you to stay focused on what is important.
Cold Turkey
If you are wasting precious time in some website and you would like to cut out your visits there, so you can concentrate better on what is important, this is your tool.
Make technology less distracting with Freedom, the tool that will help you be more productive, avoid distractions and accomplish more.
Great app that will help you to target and block any distraction websites, so you can keep your focus on point.
Inbox Pause
Take a break from the constant emails that “steal” your time by using Inbox Pause.