Entrepreneurship is not about technology
<![CDATA[entrepreneurship so much around the world in our everyday lives and people talk about being entrepreneurs and they romanticize it but the reality is that entrepreneurship really requires a lot. I think it requires far more than any other professi
This is an excerpt from the address by Elmira Bayrasli, Entrepreneur & Author, From The Other Side of The World at Startup Istanbul Conference. She emphasizes the key lesson that entrepreneurship isn’t really about technology.
We can all agree that we hear about entrepreneurship so much around the world in our everyday lives and people talk about being entrepreneurs and they romanticize it but the reality is that entrepreneurship really requires a lot. I think it requires far more than any other profession. You have to build supply chains, you have to think about customers, you have to think about building teams and so there’s so many different moving particles about being an entrepreneur that is actually not talked about. There’s nothing romantic about it at all and so I want to share with you seven lessons that I learned traveling around the world and the very first one is not entrepreneurship is not about technology.
Ross ( Ross Kingsland) just talked about a little while ago the fact that it’s about an emotional experience. It is about connecting with people and as I was traveling around the world I saw a lot of people trying to create apps and a technology and either a self driving car or a solar-powered telephone and those are all really great worthwhile endeavors. But when I really dug deep about what the original entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley did they were actually focused on solving problems.
Robert Noyce who is one of the original members of the traders that setup fairchild communications and eventually created the very first microchip and he went on to co-found Intel, he actually said, I was trying to solve a production problem I wasn’t trying to create an integrated circuit. He’d been working in the defense department on how do you actually increase increased technology at the time and that’s what he was actually focused on and when I went around the world that was the one common theme that I saw with the men and women whether it was here in Turkey where my book starts out or in Nigeria,Mexico,Russia and China that people were focused on solving problems and not actually about focus on the technology and they were using the technology as a means to actually solve that problem.