Having a well prepared business plan is a necessity when you are seeking financial assistance for your business. This is the most important management tool that any inspiring entrepreneur should embrace. A business plan template basically is responsible for outlining the exact thing your organization plans to do and how it will do it to be successful. As Benjamin Franklin has said - By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail. Here you can find five elements, which you should include in your business plan template:
Executive Outline
This should always be the first part of your business plan template as it is the face of your project. It should outline your entire business. It must indicate the mission statement, business name and location, products or services being rendered. Investors will always want to know what your future plans are and hence you should outline in summary about your future growth plans.
Company Description
You should market your business idea in a way that will show your project as unique. This part should touch on your products standards; show your market target, qualification and competency of your work force. You are required to indicate whether your business is a sole proprietorship or a corporation.
Products and services offered.
As an entrepreneur seeking for financial assistance it’s imperative to ensure that you have adequate knowledge of the market you intend to penetrate. This will help you come up with the right products and services. Your business plan template should indicate your activities in regard to research and development, legal agreements pertaining to your products rights and the production procedure of your products.
Market Analysis, plans and strategies
A good market analysis will take you a long way. You may have the products but you are entirely clueless on how to market them. Your business plan should show your market target group and what you plan to do or are doing to beat your competitors in the market. This is where you need to research well about your competitor so as to learn about their weaknesses and strengths. Investors will always demand to know what plans you have in regard to selling your products. You should be convincing in ensuring them you have your strategy of penetrating the market. A clear distribution system will boost your sales and this will depend on the communication mechanisms you use in your organization.
Financial request.
This will only happen if you manage to show your financial projections. You will need to provide relevant financial records history. Investors will only give their money when they feel it’s safe in your hands. In business commitment is important in fulfilling your hopes of succeeding.