opening speech of Startup Turkey 2016, Prof. Dr Erhan Erkut takes us back 2,5 million year ago and demonstrates that we are currently living in an unnatural way. There is a big difference between how we were living for most of the history and how we have been living since the agricultural revolution. Being sedentary in order to be able to farm caused a massive change in our lifestyle. We used to be foragers and ended up being slaves. We went through different stages: agricultural, industrial and eventually corporate slaves feeling like we were evolving towards something better but actually going from one type of slavery to another. We are not built for this.
Is it hard to be an entrepreneur? Ridiculous question. It is in you, it is in your DNA. The professor concludes by telling us that "We are meant to be chess players not pieces on a chessboard". In other words that you might prefer, we are entrepreneurs. So be yourselves and just have fun.