Christopher Schroeder, the author of Startup Rising has had an incredible journey in the entrepreneurial world. In an interview with him we asked what he does and this is what he had to say.
"So I ran all the online businesses for the Washington post and Newsweek and slate. I also have been an entrepreneur, I built a company, co-founded, a company called This was a social platform and content platform that allowed millions of people to share their experiences in health and wellness. Now I spend about half of my time investing in startups in the United States and/or some funds I'm a member of.
The other half of my life I have been spending a lot of time with entrepreneurs in growth markets. I have a particular time in affection for the Arab world and I actually wrote a book about it. It's the most hopeful book in the Middle East and it’s called Startup Rising the entrepreneurial revolution that's remaking the Middle East, but from that it's allowed me the opportunity to see many similar things happening in places like Turkey. I've actually just been to Iran twice in the last year and one day they will come in and build a very amazing ecosystems as well."]]>