5 Reasons Why Entrepreneurs Delay Taking Action
As an entrepreneur, you are probably making important decisions on everyday basis. The decision making process is essential aspect of running a business and often is the most challenging part. Even more difficult is to make decisions, which you know will affect your business in the future. Here is the moment to stop for a second and ask yourself the question: If you knew you’d be better off in the future for taking action now, what would you do?
In his stage talk at TEDxThessaloniki, London-based seed investor Carlos Espinal shares the five most important reasons why entrepreneurs don’t take action to become better or even the best sooner. The five reasons are as quoted:
We sweat sunk costs too much.
We value something that we have in our possession more than something we don’t.
We don’t know what we want.
We are too busy believing other people’s stories.
We are fearful of what will happen in the future.
Watch the whole talk in the video below and feel free to leave your comment in the comment section.