If you are just starting as an entrepreneur and need any tips or inspiration it often occurs that you have no clue where to search. Without a clue you ask yourself questions like ‘Who should I listen to?’ ‘Who will provide relevant knowledge?’
If this is the matter, there are podcasts daily airing conversations with entrepreneurs or just entrepreneurs giving tips. To make it easy for you we have listed our top 5 podcasts, assuming you don’t want to do research over >22.000 podcasts.
1. Entrepreneurs on Fire
Favorite episode: A brush with death shifted Derek Rydall's mindset
2. Smart Passive Income
Favorite episode: How to invest the passive income you earn, episode 174
3. Online Marketing Made Easy With Amy Porterfield
Favorite episode: #64: A backstage pass to my most successful launch yet
4. The James Altucher Show
Favorite episode: How to get an MIT education for 1% of the price
5. The #AskGaryVee Show
Favorite episode: How I balance risk and reward in investments