4 Amazing Ways For Entrepreneurs To Test New Business Ideas
This article is written by Brian Malika, a Contributor Author at Startup Istanbul.
Have you ever thought what reaction you would get from the market when you launch your new product or service? I mean for any entrepreneur having the mindful thoughts of how their proposed business idea would fair on in the market is not only a persistent worry but a genuine one.
Actually, having an early perception of how one's business idea would fair on in the market is important to strategically make changes before the intended scaling into the larger market takes place. This, in turn, saves money by cutting down aspects of the proposed business idea that shouldn’t have been there in the first place.
But again, whom do you give your proposed business idea to test and give you honest feedback before launching and scaling the same into the market? Getting an answer to this question is a hard task for many entrepreneurs because of cost implications basing the fact that some entrepreneurs might still be at start-up level and also some entrepreneurs are not sure if the members of the public that will test their proposed business ideas do indeed qualify to give competent feedback.
However, starting from today henceforth, if you are worried about where to test your new products or business idea before exposing the same to the market then you have no reason at all to worry anymore. This is because I have done research on four amazing platforms where you can get expert advice on how your proposed business idea or new product stands to fair within your target market.
The good news is that among these four platforms we have some that offer free testing services for your proposed product or business idea for free. So stay tuned for more by scrolling down.
4 Business Idea Testing Platforms That You Need To Keep In Mind
(1.) useronboarding.com :
This platform gets you the chance to have real human beings to test your product or business idea and the gives you the chance to get honest feedback.
(2.) usertesting.com :
In just two hours, this platform could offer you the chance to know why and how customers would behave with your product or service that you are trying to launch in the market.
(3.) peek.user.com :
Now you need to b excited about this platform before it offers a five-day trial to have your business idea or product service to be tested by a sample of your target customers.
(4.) Respondent :
This is another interesting platform that is easy to obtain an account and start using to test your new business idea or product in the market.
Today, there are so many possibilities to make entrepreneurs achieve their innovation goals. In the earlier days, an entrepreneur would have to invest thousands of dollars to pay researchers to conduct a market scan for their product or service. But this burden has been loosened by the presence of affordable online tools that are quick and expose entrepreneurs to their preferred customer circles to test their products or services.