2011 Nokia – Etohum Fund Entrepreneurs
In 2010 – 2011 Etohum period we created the Etohum fund with support from Nokia for investors with mobile projects. In addition to the Etohum Fund we supplied Nokia – Etohum support to the mobile projects of entrepreneurs who applied during the August – December time period. As a result of the evaluation of projects suited for mobile environment together with Nokia, the below ventures were selected as projects that will receive a 60.000 TL investment.
AlisverisRobotu.com, is a shopping guide where users may search for product and price information from either online or physical shops helping them to make an effective decision about where to buy which product. The venture was established by Ertuğrul Yılmaz and Çağdaş Tatlıcı.
Animalwars, AnimalWars founded by YTU Computer Engineering graduate İrfan Kaya and ITU Computer Engineering Department graduate Hüseyin Kuşçu is a multi-player role playing game (RPG) targeting mobile medium. Players may carry out different quests with animals that they raised; communicate, commerce and compete with each other online.
Gamester, The social game company named Gamester was founded by Volkan Taban, Onur Karcı and Turan Yiğitbaşı; their first product called Townster is a city planning and real estate game in which players may set up their own cities and get rents or buy buildings from the cities of their friends to become a real estate king.