18 Experts Reveal Their Core Startup Advice for Entrepreneurs
At Startup Istanbul 2015 Conference many entrepreneurs had the chance to meet with influential mentors, advisors, mentors and investors from around the world and to receive valuable advice about entrepreneurship. See what startup advice and tips the experts gave to the entrepreneurs and learn from their experience!
Watch Steve Blank, Dave McClure, Steli Efti, Teruhide Sato, Ross Kingsland, Christopher Schroeder, Aurore Belfrage, Selçuk Atlı, Luke Sequeria, Fadi Bishara, Eamon Carrey, Erik Anderson, Adam Berk, Didem Ün Ateş, Ed Roberto, Vivek Boray, Faizan Aslam, Moises Santana talk about the do’s and don’ts of entrepreneurship in the video below!